You too can have a huge impact. The best line of defense is prevention. Protect yourself and your family with helpful tips.
Recent headlines have heightened concern over infectious disease, including Zika Virus, influenza, measles, TB, pertussis, and ebola. And rightfully so; communicable disease is a serious matter. Even one infected person can present a hazard to an entire community. It is vital to stay informed, be aware of people and situations around you, and always be ready to respond.
Gila County is in constant contact with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS), bordering counties and jurisdictions, hospital and health care facilities, EMS providers, fire departments, and others to monitor any suspected or confirmed cases of infectious disease and ensure a quick response. We handle investigations, assessments, remediation, laboratory testing, and other mitigation efforts to best protect our residents..
You too can have a huge impact. The best line of defense is prevention. Protect yourself and your family with helpful tips.
The state of Arizona has disaster and mitigation protocols in place to protect its residents and ensure quality of life. A “pandemic” — an infectious disease that affects a large number of people — is planned for as well. Download the state of Arizona’s pandemic flu plan below. AZ State Pandemic Flu Plan — www.azdhs.gov/pandemic-flu/plans.htm
It is a good idea to understand the signs and symptoms of infectious diseases so you can alert authorities quickly and help reduce the spread of infectious diseases.
Keep your children healthy and safe! These child-friendly tools offer tips, facts, and answers to help prevent illness.
Salmonella(Trouble with Turtles, CDC)
Children’s Vaccination Schedules