nursing supplies, formula, pre-packaged baby food, bottles and nipples, powdered milk
If babies or children are part of your immediate or extended family, your Ready Kits and Family Emergency Plan should plan for their care. Pack materials and food they will need, and don’t forget to include items that will help comfort them. A weather or emergency situation can be very scary for young children.
nursing supplies, formula, pre-packaged baby food, bottles and nipples, powdered milk
infant/child fever reducer, rash ointment, any necessary medications
stuffed animal, doll, pacifier, blanket
baby wipes, diapers, nursing pads
books, puzzles, games
A medical condition or special need can be difficult to manage during a hazard. Get copies of and maintain electronic and printed versions of all health records. Health and Human Services has an online tool to help locate and access electronic health records from a variety of sources. Visit: healthit.gov/bluebutton.