Plan and Prepare
As a resident of Gila County, you have access to numerous resources to help prepare for various emergencies and protect yourself from personal injury and property loss. In addition to this site, you can find useful planning information and support online at the Arizona Department of Health Services and Gila County residents are encouraged to stay connected and informed of the status of every emergency situation by subscribing to our facebook and twitter feeds, using NOAA weather radio’s alerts, and taking advantage of the many alert and warning apps for your mobile phones and devices. You are also welcome to contact your local emergency preparedness office. For national situations, please refer to Planning and preparing for an emergency is your best line of defense in any emergency situation or weather issue. Take advantage of the preparedness checklists and downloads in this section, and create plans for your family and others you care for.
Preparedness Checklists
Preparedness Checklists
Emergencies can occur at any time. Your family may not be together during a disaster, so it’s important to plan in advance — how to respond in different situations, how to contact each other, and where you will reunite after a threat is gone. [Read More ]
Ready Kits
Ready Kits should address the needs of three days’ sustenance for all members of the household, as well as your pets.[Read More ]
Plans for Infants & Children
If babies or children are part of your immediate or extended family, your Ready Kits and Family Emergency Pan should plan for their care. [Read More ]
Plans for Seniors
More than 25% of Gila County residents are over age 65, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. [Read More ]
Access & Functional Needs Populations
More than 25% of Gila County residents are over age 65, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.[Read More ]
Plans for Pets
More than 25% of Gila County residents are over age 65, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. [Read More ]
Key Communication Systems
A critical part of being prepared is staying abreast of issue and circumstances. [Read More ]