In June 2016, Gila County implemented the ReadyGila Alerts notification system. ReadyGila Alerts is a communitywide emergency notification system that enables users to send notifications to individuals or groups using lists, locations, and visual intelligence. This comprehensive notification system keeps everyone informed before, during and after all events whether emergency or non-emergency. Click here to sign up.
Alerts & Warnings

Advance warning is your best planning tool for an imminent threat. The following alert systems will help you stay informed of weather hazards. Families are encouraged to use multiple alert systems to ensure they are aware at all times.
Nationwide network of radio stations that broadcast warnings, watches, forecasts, and other preparedness information 24/7. As of November 21, 2016, Gila County has been recognized as an NOAA Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador.
The NCDC maintains the world’s largest archive of climate data. Search weather-related events for Gila County by visiting As of November 21, 2016, Gila County has been recognized as an NOAA Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador.
The Arizona Department of Health Services provides up-to-date heat advisories through its free email list. Click here to sign up and check the box for “Heat Alerts.”
WEAs are emergency text messages sent by authorized government authorities covering extreme weather advisories, AMBER alerts, or presidential messages in the case of a natural disaster. WEA messages are delivered with a special tone and vibration, both repeated twice, so you can quickly discern them from regular text messages. Call Gila County at (928) 402-8820 for further information.
Numerous mobile apps are available to alert you of severe weather, including many that offer an alarm to wake you while you are sleeping. Visit
Local news channels and radio stations such as KQSS and KIKO offer weather updates and alerts.