Do not overwater plants. Install an energy-efficient irrigation or drip system and set to your type of foliage. Many Arizona plants require little water and can survive on no water in times of drought.
In dry, arid climates such as Arizona, drought is a serious issue. In fact, the state has declared an official drought every year for the past 15 years. By using the following tips and guidelines, you can help combat its effects.
Always follow your water municipality’s and utilities’ water restrictions. These may change from time to time depending on drought conditions. Visit your village’s or town’s website for the latest usage information and mandates.
Do not overwater plants. Install an energy-efficient irrigation or drip system and set to your type of foliage. Many Arizona plants require little water and can survive on no water in times of drought.
Limit or avoid washing the exterior of RVs, campers, and other vehicles in times of drought.
Don’t use running water to defrost foods. Defrost food in the microwave, in the refrigerator overnight, or by placing wrapped food in a bowl of cold water.
Reuse clean household water when possible. For instance, collect water used to boil vegetables and reuse for outdoor plants.
In emergency situations, air particulates and ozone pollution levels can rise and pose challenges to those with respiratory issues or allergies.
Take showers instead of baths. This can reduce water use by as much as 60%.
Limit showers to 5 minutes or less, or consider installing a water-saving showerhead.
Install a low-flow toilet, which uses only 1.6 gallons per flush. Check the manufacturer’s website and see if you qualify for an energy rebate.
Think before you flush. One flush equals two to seven gallons of water.
Fix leaking faucets and toilets.
Use a glass for rinse water when brushing teeth or shaving instead of letting the faucet run.